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Lab Test Registration

What’s included in my lab test kit?

Each lab test kit will include the following:. Instructions - Please read the detailed printed instructions included with each lab test kit to understand how to register your lab and how to collect your specific lab sample(s). Testing components - Ea

When do I register my lab?

Lab tests may be registered as soon as you receive your lab test kit and should be registered within 10 days of receipt. Please always review your lab kit instructions, as some lab tests have specific registration/sample collection requirements.

Where do I go to register my lab?

The easiest way to register your lab is to scan the QR code on the Orange insert card inside your lab box. Sample EquiLife Orange insert card with QR code:. PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS SAMPLE TO REGISTER. To scan a QR code:. If you are unable to get your

How do I register my lab?

Before registering and taking the samples, review your lab kit instructions. Some lab tests have specific registration and sample collection requirements. To register a lab:. 1. Please see the FAQ for Where to register a lab test. It covers 2 ways to

How do I register a lab for someone else?

Important Note: Each person requires a unique account/email when registering labs. Sharing emails creates issues with account profiles and results. If you accidentally start a registration using a previously used email for someone else, stop and emai

Where do I go to continue an in-process lab registration?

There are 2 ways to continue an already in process registration. 1. Log into your account at Click “Complete Registration” next to the lab you need to finish registering. 2. Go to, enter the lab code

What are the components of the registration process?

The registration process includes the following:. Health intake questions that enable the coach to better understand your health challenges and needs and to better support the coach in providing personalized feedback and recommendations. Sample colle

How do I select my DOB without scrolling through month by month?

To easily set your date of birth, you can click on the drop down arrow by the current month and year. This opens another setting to easily scroll to choose the month and year. Here is a quick video walking through this process:. From a desktop, click

How do I know if I have completed my registration?

You will know that your registration is completed by seeing a “Registration Confirmation” page. You will also receive a confirmation email. Further, In your account, you will see the button update to “View Registration”.

Are there any browsers that are NOT supported?

Duck Duck GO and Internet Explorer are NOT supported.

Why are you asking for the detailed information on the online intake form?

As our certified health coaches review your lab test results, your intake form provides them the context in which to better understand your needs and challenges. This provides them the ability to create a wellness plan with your specific needs in min

Will this information be saved for future labs I purchase?

The information provided will be securely stored and pre-filled for future labs purchased for easier registration. You will have the ability to update any previous information upon purchase of new labs. Please rest assured that we take your privacy v

What are the legal documents I need to sign and what do they mean?

As part of the Registration process, EquiLife requests that you acknowledge that you have read each of the following policies. Each of these policies are meant to inform you, protect you and enable the EquiLife Health Team to optimize the benefits of

How do I register my child's lab test kit if they are under 18?

You will need to create a separate account for each child running a lab to view their results. Please be certain to create a unique email address for each account. Once the account is created, please follow the typical registration requirements. Refe

How do I register a bundle?

A lab bundle is a grouping of 2 or more lab tests. Each individual lab within a bundle must be fully registered by the same person, using their one email address. Bundles cannot be shared or split between people.

I started a registration with the wrong email, how do I change it?

If a registration is still in process, and was initiated with the wrong email, follow these steps:. 1. Log into using the email from the in-process registration. 2. Find the code in the list of labs, and select Delete Regis