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Upgraded Methodology For Labs Requiring Bloodspot Samples

What has changed with the methodology for labs requiring bloodspot samples?

Effective January 15, 2025, we are excited to share that certain labs requiring bloodspot samples now utilize upgraded methodology for even more accurate and reliable results. If you have tested with us before, your results report may look different

Which bloodspot tests utilize the updated methodology?

Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test. Thyroid TSH Test. Women’s Fertility Test. Thyroid Panel Test

How is this testing different for the bloodspot lab tests?

When it comes to bloodspot testing, the methodology used can affect the accuracy and reliability of your results. EIA (Enzyme Immunoassay) has been widely used for years and provides consistent and dependable results. However, ECLIA (Electrochemilumi

Are my old recommendations from blood spot tests still valid?

Yes, your previous results using the EIA (Enzyme Immunoassay) methodology are still completely valid, accurate, and actionable. The shift to the ECLIA (Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay) methodology represents an improvement in precision and sensi

Why are the ranges different for the blood spot lab tests? Are they comparable to my previous test?

When transitioning from EIA (Enzyme Immunoassay) to ECLIA (Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay) methodology, the ranges for certain biomarkers may shift slightly due to differences in the testing technology. ECLIA offers enhanced precision, sensitiv

Is there any change to blood spot collection?

No, the blood collection process does not change with use of the blood spot card.

How can I get my supplement and protocol recommendations?

Once you receive your lab results, there are two convenient ways to access your personalized supplement recommendations:. Complimentary Health Coaching Call With an EquiLife Health Coach. Every lab purchase includes a complimentary 30-minute call wit