Are there any videos on how to collect a urine sample?
All sample collection videos are linked in this FAQ, and you'll find the same videos within the lab registration process.
FAQs related to the Sleep & Stress Test
All sample collection videos are linked in this FAQ, and you'll find the same videos within the lab registration process.
No, please wait until your menstrual cycle is complete before collecting urine sample to ensure it is not contaminated.
Yes, however, please note that some recommended protocols (depending on results) may not be safe to use during pregnancy. Detoxing is not safe during pregnancy or nursing.
Prior to taking your urine sample, please note the instructions on WHEN to collect the sample as collection time is important. It is important to make sure that you drink plenty of water in the day leading up to the test. Make sure you have all of
Collect your first urination immediatly upon waking for the day. Don't eat, drink anything but water, take vitamins or supplemetns or take medications (except as advised by your health care provider) until after your first collection. Refrain from
Urine must be yellow in color. If urine is clear the sample is too diluted. Discard diluted sample, rinse the collection cup in hot water only (no soap), air dry, then re-collect the following morning.
If you wake up to urinate during the night, please collect all urine in a mason jar or Tupperware sealed container and place in the refrigerator. You will then add all of your morning urine to that jar before pouring out the minimum 30ml into the
Yes, please freeze urine specimen for a minimum of 4 hours before shipping.
Men, Children, and Non-menstruating Women: Collect your sample at any time, on a normal stress day Women: Regular Cycles: Collect on day 19, 20, or 21 of the menstrual cycle (Day 1 = first day of your period) Irregular Cycles: If you know when your
Place all contents & forms back in the plastic test kit box and then place in the return packaging provided (see instructions for specific packaging). Attach the pre-paid UPS shipping label and drop off at your nearest UPS location
Please see our International Shipping FAQ for instructions specific to your lab. Before returning your sample, please register your lab by scanning the QR code and answering all questions before it's mailed back with the sample. The ZRT Kit ID is fou