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Minerals Metals FAQ

Questions related to the Minerals & Metals Test

What should I do prior to my hair sample collection?

Prior to taking your hair sample make sure you have clean, dry hair, free of all oil, residue, and products. If your hair has been dyed or chemically treated, please wait at least 6 weeks before taking your sample. Hair cannot be taken from a hair br

Where should I take my sample from?

Head hair is taken from the nape of the neck (in several small selections so as not to leave any noticeable patches)

What if I do not have enough hair on my head?

Although head hair does provide the best sample, if that is not an option, you can still gather a sample from underarm or pubic hair. Samples from these areas may represent a longer time period of data than head hair since it does not grow as steady.

What if my hair has been dyed recently?

If you have dyed your hair, we recommend waiting at least 6 weeks before taking a sample. This includes the usage of any hair products that alter the color of the hair.

When should I do a retest for the Minerals & Metals lab?

Since it takes a long time for the changes happening within the body to be represented in the hair, we recommend waiting a minimum of 8 months before retesting. If you are completing a Heavy Metal Detox, we recommend waiting 8 months after completing

How current should the symptoms be when checking things off on the form?

Please note the symptoms that you have been having most recently and most frequently. In general, symptoms that you have been experiencing over the past several weeks will provide an accurate response.

I have additional questions about sample collection, who should I contact?

If your questions have not been answered by reading the instructions or this FAQ page, please contact [email protected] for assistance.

Is there a video showing how to collect a hair sample?

All sample collection videos are linked in this FAQ, and you'll find the same videos within the lab registration process.

How do I send back my sample? (US)

Place the hair sample into the sampling envelope provided and enclose it. Make sure to register your lab using the QR Code, before including the QR code with the return sample. Place all contents (QR Code and sample envelope with hair sample) into th

How do I send back my sample? (International)

Please see our International Shipping FAQ for instructions specific to your lab.