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Appointment Section

Questions regarding the "Appointment" section

How do I schedule a lab review call?

To schedule your coaching call:

How do I know if I have any coaching credits to use?

Select “Appointments” and then "book appointment". If you have credits, you can proceed with testing. If you do not have a Book Appointments button, you will need to purchase credits by purchasing a lab that comes with a 1-1 Coaching Credit by going

How do I join the meeting for my lab review call?

Log in to your account at and go to Appointments. Please click on the "Join Call" button a few minutes before the time of your scheduled Coaching Call. The room will appear empty if you join before the coach, however your coach w

How do I view my results?

From the web portal ( Select "Lab Results" from the left hand panel. Then click the download icon, shown below, next to each lab result to view the result in a new tab. Note: If you do not see your results, refresh your browser.

Where do I find my Wellness Plan?

In the web portal ( After your coaching call, you can find your assigned Wellness Plan by selecting "Wellness Plan" on the left hand panel. Then click the name or date field of the plan to view the details. Note: If your wellnes

How long do I have access to chat with my coach after my scheduled appointment?

You can chat with your coach for 2 weeks after your coaching call for follow up questions. After the 2 weeks, your chat session will be closed. Please save any information provided in this section if needed for future use. After that time frame, plea

How do I download my lab results and move to a Desktop for easier viewing?

To download lab results:. 1. Log into 2. Select Lab Results. 3. Click the download icon on the right hand side of each result:.

When will my lab results be posted?

Lab results will appear in your EquiLife Health Portal Account once they are processed by the lab. (COMING SOON). Upon receipt of the lab test, you will receive a notification alerting you that a lab result is ready. Some lab results come with an exp

How do I contact my health coach?

Before a scheduled call, email [email protected] with your questions. After your call, go to the Chat section within This is where your coach will provide any additional notes or links not included your wellness plan. This is

How do I get set up for my child's lab review call?

To receive your child's lab results and schedule their lab review call, a separate account, using a different email from your own, must be created. The account must be owned and managed by the parent.

How do I complete the Docu-Sign Registration Forms?

For labs that were submitted prior to our new Labs Registration Process, we have a Docu-Sign form set up for clients who did not register using our old EHC system. If you fall into the above category, you will need to successfully sign these forms be

How do I reschedule my appointment?

To reschedule your appointment with your health coach within If your appointment is more than 24 hours from the scheduled date and time:. If your appointment is less than 24 hours from the scheduled date and time:.

I'm having issues connecting my audio and video for my call - what should I do?

There are two common reasons when Video / Audio might not work on your computer or mobile device when joining a coaching call. 1.  When you set-up your web browser, you may have been asked to grant permission for the browser to use the camera and mic